Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Shadows of the Full Moon

Well I finally finished another project. What I mean by that is I'm finally satisfied with something I finished writing a while ago but have been tweaking ever since. My third short story featuring Ryan and Frank, who I've mentioned before is done, dusted, closed out and sent to my publisher.

It's the shortest of the three "Full Moon" stories, but it feels right to me. I didn't want to drag it out and I didn't want it to feel rushed, and for my tastes it doesn't. I have an opening, a middle, a climax and an ending. Also an opening to revisit the story or elements of it as I go on. I like these characters too much to let this be the end. I'm still working on the novel that is the prequel to the "Full Moon" series and I'm going to keep the short stories coming. Ultimately I'd like to have a book made up of a bunch of the short stories all in one collection.

I don't know if I'll have another novel in me after I finish the one I'm working on now, but I will keep writing. I like the short story format, maybe because one of my favourite authors is Spider Robinson. Seriously, if you've never read Callahan's Crosstime Saloon then you really should. It is, in my opinion, some of the best Sci-Fi ever written. It's a collection of short stories but the characters and a minor theme draw the narratives together. It's brilliant. Yes I know I'm gushing but I don't care.

Anyway, Shadows of the Full Moon is now destined for Sci-Fi From The Rock 3, to be released this April at Sci-Fi On The Rock. It's one of five stories by some very talented people and I hope it does well. I'm happy to be back in it again, I missed out on a collection that Engen Books put out last year because I couldn't get a story finished in time. Won't let that happen again, matter of fact now I have to start in on another story for a charity collection my friends at Ink'd Well Comics are putting together. Should be a fun project. Maybe Ryan and Frank have another case to handle, who knows? I have to see what they tell me.

Before I go I should hype my own existing wares.The first two installments of the "Full Moon" series are available for purchase through Engen Books.

Legacy Of The Full Moon is available as an E-Book if you click here
Vengeance Of The Full Moon is available as part of More Sci-Fi From The Rock if you click here

Check them out, buy and enjoy!


Stylin' Steve


Amanda. said...

I hope that you will get more out soon. Unfortunately I don't have much of your writings to read, which is why I was delighted to find the blog.

I love your style.

I hope to have something to send it to be read soon, and if I could get my wish it would be you I would want to review it.

But you know how the saying goes. "If wishes were horses a werewolf would never go hungry."

P.S. Please write more.

Stylin' Steve said...

I'm up to for stories now.
3 under Engen and 1 as a part of the Charity Book, Fearsome Fables from Ink'd Well Comics

More coming, I've picked up the pen again.