Sunday, September 25, 2016

But What Does It Mean?

Now, for your viewing confusion, I present a list of things overheard this past weekend while at Atlanti-CON. There are no points of reference, no clarification and no explanation for anything said. It can all be taken Out of CONtext.

To quote a friend of mine; “Names have been kept the same to reflect the strange…”

I don't eat cheap meat. - Kelli-Rae

All the meat I ever wanted- Jerry

You wearing clothes this time? - Jerry

The longer we drove her the better she got. - Jerry

And you've got a little window you can look out when you're naked - Fat Apollo

Everybody out I'm about to test the meat. - Jerry

I'll make the movie.  - Darren

I almost spit it out. I almost did- Janet

I'm no longer traveling with 4 dudes.  I'm going to find some girls. - Janet

Those body suits are pretty tight. - Gary

You don't push down you gotta push up. That's how it works. - Hamilton

Guy's.  Starving woman. Candy. Ass. Fuck. - Janet

It was really fuzzy dude. - Gary

I don't want to offend anybody. But I like the gay. - Darren

I was good. I didn't say I had to disrobe my doll. - Katherine

Truth be told, knowing McCluskey I'd ask if it vibrates - Steve

Mine has multiple ports - Garry

You gotta give her a cookie and she'll dance to it - Hamilton

Yay! I was in a threesome. :-) - Katherine

It's supposed to moisturize and lubricate. - Angela

You just gave him head  - Kevin

You done it so fast I didn't know what you done. - Darren

If the I could still get a boner you’d give me one. -Fat Apollo

$20 I'd feel your balls too. - Fat Apollo

I promise to stop touching your nipples if you will come. - Kelli-Rae

If you want food I'll eat it. - Janet

And I'm amazed I did that drunk - Steve

I hope your balls are nicely cushioned - Krista

I puff glitter - Kelli-Rae

Steve! Stop fisting the table! - Kelli-Rae

Stop rubbing your Apollo on me! - Kelli-Rae

Come on I need to get these pants on before anyone shows up - Katherine

Does this need to get tagged and where would you stick it. - Katherine

I took pictures with my nose - Katherine

You can touch it, it won't come off, but it's moist. - Erica

Run your finger up that for me - Jenna

Googly nipples that's great - Gary

Can you make yours move? - Darren

Gary take your steel out of my mouth - Hamilton

I was pushing trust me. - Katherine

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